Le Miroir Magique (1908) | The Magic Mirror (1908) | Old Movie


Le Miroir Magique (1908) | The Magic Mirror (1908) | Colorized Version A groundbreaking early silent film showcases the creative possibilities of the era's technology. In this captivating scene, a woman sits before her dressing table mirror, admiring her jewelry and reflecting upon her own image. Unexpectedly, another woman materializes in the mirror. The enchanting transformation continues as the reflection shifts to various women. As the protagonist gazes at her jewelry, the faces of women emerge within the intricate stones, adding an imaginative and mesmerizing dimension to the cinematic experience. Director : Segundo de Chomón Star : Julienne Mathieu Genres : ShortFantasy Release date : 1908 (France) Country of origin : France Languages : None, French Production company : Pathé Frères Runtime : 2 minutes Color : AI Sound mix : Silent Colorized Software : DeOldify Credits : Jameel Akhtar Video Source : archive.org/details/LeMiroirMagique License Detail : CC0 1.0 DEED / CC0 1.0 Universal The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Corlorized Historical Videos Restored Colorized Film Colorized Movies - Youtube Colorized Historical Video Colorized Tv Shows Colorized Classic Movies Colorized Footage Movie Colorization Project #publicdomain #publicdomainmovies #colorizedmovies #oldmovies #frenchmovies #deoldify #france #TheMagicMirror #ColorizedHistoricalVideos #RestoredColorizedFilm #ColorizedMoviesYoutube #ColorizedHistoricalVideo #ColorizedTvShows #ColorizedClassicMovies #ColorizedFootage #MovieColorizationProject

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