#CharlieChaplin - Mabel's Strange Predicament (1914) | Pajamas | Colorized Comedy


Mabel's Strange Predicament (1914) #MabelsStraingePredicament Hotel Mixup (1914) #HotelMixup Brazil : Carlito numa Casa de Pensão (1914) #CarlitoNumaCasaDePensao Brazil : Carlitos no Hotel (1914) #CarlitosNoHotel Czech Republic : Chaplin v hotelu (1914) #ChaplinVHotelu Czechoslovakia : Chaplin v hotelu (1914) Czechoslovakia : Neklidná noc v hotelu (1914) #NeklidnaNocVHotelu Denmark :Chaplin paa Hotel (1914) #ChaplinPaaHotel France : Charlot à l'hôtel (1914) #CharlotALHotel Italy : La strana avventura di Mabel (1914) #LaStranaAvventuraDiMabel Japan : メーベルの窮境 (1914) Poland : Charlie w hotelu (1914) #CharlieWHotelu Russia : Невероятно затруднительное положение Мейбл (1914) Serbia : Mabelin čudan neudoban položaj (1914) #MabelinCudanNeudobanPolozaj Spain :Aventuras extraordinarias de Mabel (1914) #AventurasExtraordinariasDeMabel Spain : Charlot en el hotel (1914) CharlotEnElHotel Sweden : Chaplin på hotelläventyr (1914) #ChaplinPaHtellaventyr Turkey : Şarlo Otelde (1914) #SarloOtelde Ukraine : Незвичайно скрутне становище Мейбл (1914) Pajamas (1914) #pajamas Director : Mabel Normand #MabelNormand Writers : Charles Chaplin, Henry Lehrman #CharlieChaplin #HenryLehrman Starz: Mabel Normand Charles Chaplin Chester Conklin #Chesterconklin Alice Davenport #AliceDavenport Harry McCoy #HarryMcCoy Frank Cooley #FrantCooley Billy Gilbert #BillyGilbert William Hauber #WilliamHauber Sadie Lampe #SadieLampe Al St. John #AlStJohn Genres : Short, Comedy #ShortMovies #ComedyMovies Certificate : Not Rated Release date : February 9, 1914 (United States) Country of origin : United States Languages : None, English #EnglishMovies Production company : Keystone Film Company #KeystoneFilmCompany Runtime : 17 minutes Color : DeOldify AI Sound mix : Silent, Music Aspect ratio : 1.33 : 1 In the hotel lobby, a tipsy Charlie collides with an exquisite woman, becoming entangled in her dog's leash before stumbling to the ground. Later, fate reunites them in the hotel corridor, where the elegant lady finds herself locked out of her room. Their subsequent escapade leads them through a series of rooms. Eventually, Mabel seeks refuge beneath the bed of an elderly gentleman. Unbeknownst to her, the elderly man's jealous wife enters the scene, only to be shocked further when she discovers Mabel's secret hiding spot. Adding to the chaos, Mabel's lover unexpectedly enters the room, setting the stage for a comedic and potentially awkward confrontation.
Public Domain Movies, Old Movies, Public Domain Movies #publicdomainmovies #colorizedclassicmovies #colorizedhistoricalvideo #colorizedmoviesyoutube #charliechaplin #charliechaplincomedyvideos #charliechaplinvideos #DrunkEncounter #WrongRoomFiasco #DogLeashChaos #HidingUnderBed #CrawlingComedy #LittleTrampAdventures #FeatheredFiasco #HotelHijinks #BellmanBlunders #DrunkenMishaps #RockingChairRevelry #LockedOutOfRoomDrama #PajamaPandemonium #ComedyOfErrors #SlapstickSaga #OneReelerRomance #EarlyCinemaCapers #PratfallPursuit #DirectedByFemale #CharacterTitleChaos

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